Journal of Solid Mechanics
شنبه 90/7/23
12:30 صبح

Dear colleagues,
The Journal of Solid Mechanics (JSM) invites original research papers and research notes covering a broad area of mechanical engineering activities associated with the classical problems of structural analysis to mechanics of solids, fracture, and heat transfer, thermal effects in solids, optimum design methods, and numerical techniques and recent developments in these areas for consideration of review and possible publication.
JSM publishes by Islamic Azad University - Arak Branch. The submitted Manus should report original and unpublished research results and follow the style of the journal. No length limitations for contributions are set, but only concisely written papers will be published. The prepared papers based on the Author Guidelines for submission with a covering letter of submission may be submitted through e-mail directly to the Editorial Office at // document.write( "" ); document.write( "span>" ); //// -->]]>>
"> < type="text/java">> < type="text/java">> . This journal has Distinguished Professors on its editorial board.
The reviewing of a paper generally takes approximately two month’s time. After accepting the paper, the corresponding author, at no cost, will be provided with a PDF file of the article via e-mail, three paper offprints, and hardcopy of the journal.
The Journal of Solid Mechanics (JSM) invites original research papers and research notes covering a broad area of mechanical engineering activities associated with the classical problems of structural analysis to mechanics of solids, fracture, and heat transfer, thermal effects in solids, optimum design methods, and numerical techniques and recent developments in these areas for consideration of review and possible publication.
JSM publishes by Islamic Azad University - Arak Branch. The submitted Manus should report original and unpublished research results and follow the style of the journal. No length limitations for contributions are set, but only concisely written papers will be published. The prepared papers based on the Author Guidelines for submission with a covering letter of submission may be submitted through e-mail directly to the Editorial Office at // document.write( "" ); document.write( "span>" ); //// -->]]>>
"> < type="text/java">> < type="text/java">> . This journal has Distinguished Professors on its editorial board.
The reviewing of a paper generally takes approximately two month’s time. After accepting the paper, the corresponding author, at no cost, will be provided with a PDF file of the article via e-mail, three paper offprints, and hardcopy of the journal.
This journal is indexed in Google Scholar, ISC (Islamic World Science Citation), INDEX COPERNICUS, and getCited and the procedure of its registration in the databases of Scopus, Compandex, CiteSeer, and Web of Science has begun.
Editorial Office, Journal of Solid Mechanics